أخر الاخبار

UNRWA Situation Report # 4 on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (including East Jerusalem)


UNRWA Situation Report

UNRWA Situation Report # 4 on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank  (including East Jerusalem)

10 October 2023 20:00

© 2023 UNRWA Photo

Area General updates

  • Nearly 175,500 internally displaced people are sheltering in 88 UNRWA schools across the Gaza Strip. The numbers continue to increase as airstrikes continue from the Israeli Air Forces.  

  • UNRWA staff are working around the clock to respond to the needs of the displaced in the shelters. However, some are overcrowded and have limited availability of food, other basic items and potable water. UNRWA has over 5,300 UNRWA workers managing shelters.

  • In coordination with the World Food Programme (WFP), bread was distributed to the displaced people in the shelters.

  • Two UNRWA schools were affected by airstrikes, bringing the total number of installations affected by the conflict to 20 since 7 October.

  • Turmoil in major Palestinian cities has been reported and clashes between Palestinians and Israeli Forces around checkpoints and settlements across the West Bank.  

  • The Israeli Authorities closed all crossings from the West Bank into East Jerusalem and Israel for Palestinian ID holders, including UN and International NGOs staff. Movements between governorates and cities within the West Bank remains challenging, as ad hoc closures and restrictions are put in place by Israeli Authorities.,  

  • Closures of checkpoints around East Jerusalem were partially eased while flying checkpoints were set up at entrances of Palestinian neighborhoods in the city. All checkpoints isolating parts of the Israeli-controlled area of Hebron (H2) from the rest of the city were closed for the third consecutive day, impeding the movement of 7,000 Palestinian residents and restricting them from accessing basic services like health and education, and essential services.

Protection of Civilians

  • According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, 900 people were killed including 290 children. Another 4,250 were injured since 7 October in the Gaza Strip.  

  • Thirty (30) UNRWA students (17 girls and 13 boys) have been killed and another eight were injured (six boys and two girls).  

  • Nine UNRWA personnel (six staff and three contractors) were killed, while three teachers were injured.

  • 16 internally displaced people sheltering at an UNRWA school were injured, including two critically, as a result of an airstrike nearby.

  • In the West Bank (including East Jerusalem), 17 Palestinians were killed including four children. Of these, three were Palestine Refugees, including one child. Meanwhile, another 295 were reported injured (OCHA oPt).  

  • According to Israeli sources, 1,000 people were killed in Israel.  


  • All UNRWA schools across the Gaza Strip, including the Rehabilitation Centre for Visually Impaired and the two vocational centres in Gaza and Khan Younis remain closed. Some are being considered to become shelters as the number of internally displaced continues to increase.

  • In the West Bank, most UNRWA schools have remained open, operating at limited capacity, through teachers and staff living close to schools. Some of the schools in hotspot locations, including Hebron H2, remained closed, and turned to remote learning.  


  • Only 11 (out of 22) UNRWA Health Centres across the Gaza Strip are able to provide primary healthcare services from 9:00 to 12:30 to patients with urgent referred appointments received through the free-toll hotline.

  • 111 health staff (12 per cent of total health staff) are present at the health centres. Emergency health-care services through the toll-free hotline continue across all areas. With needs increasing on the ground and the conflict intensifying, UNRWA is looking into scaling up its capacity in the accessible health centers mobilizing more staff and opening for longer hours, whilst ensuring personnel security and safety.

  • As of 14:00 hrs, 1,248 callers used the toll-free hotline and were provided with services.

  • Medicines were delivered to the health centres from its central pharmacy. Pharmacy stocks are not affected by shortages for now. One UNRWA health centre in Jabalia (north of the Gaza Strip) is likely to run out of medicines in the next 14 days.  

  • Local community continues to appeal to UNRWA to open closed health centres due to high demand for health services.

  • In the West Bank, most UNRWA health centres are open, also operating at limited capacity, due to movement and access restrictions.

Sanitation Services  

  • All solid waste collection and transfer to landfill activities remain on hold. Transfer of solid waste from shelters to the landfills has started.

  • Water wells in Jabalia, Khan Younis and Rafah are functional with about 9,000 cubic meters pumped from nine water wells.

  • Provision of potable water through tankers continues to several designated emergency shelters in the Khan Younis area.

  • Emergency repair of water network at Jabalia water well was carried out.

  • 40 sanitation workers are working on the operation of all sanitation activities.

  • In the West Bank, sanitation labourers removed garbage in the camps. Due to limited movement, challenges were reported with moving waste from the transfer stations in the camps to the landfills.  

Relief and Social Services  

  • Nearly half a million people (112,000 families) have not been able to get their food rations since UNRWA food distribution centres closed on 7 October.

  • Helplines are operational and Psychological First Aid provided remotely. 33 social workers are available to provide psychosocial support remotely.

General UNRWA operations  

  • With an increased number of schools sheltering the internally displaced, additional mobile toilets and showers are being deployed.

  • UNRWA distributed mattresses, mats, blankets and jerrycans in the designated emergency shelters.  People with specific needs are prioritized as the quantity is insufficient to cover all needs.  

  • Maintenance work (with 31 staff) is carried out in 35 UNRWA emergency shelters.  

  • Staff movement remains restricted except for staff providing services.

UNRWA Installations

  • An UNRWA school in the Middle Area was affected by collateral damage due to an airstrike that hit a building adjacent to the school. Shrapnel was also found in the schoolyard.

  • UN Common Premises Compound, which hosts UNRWA Gaza Field Office, OCHA, UNDSS, UNMAS, and UNRWA GAZA HQ, sustained major damage to most structures due to nearby airstrikes. A number of UNRWA assets were destroyed, including vehicles, fuel and water stores. At least 60 UNRWA staff were on the compound at the time.  


Background Information:

UNRWA is the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. The United Nations General Assembly established UNRWA in 1949 with a mandate to provide humanitarian assistance and protection to registered Palestine refugees in the Agency's area of operations pending a just and lasting solution to their plight.

UNRWA operates in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. 

Tens of thousands of Palestine refugees who lost their homes and livelihoods due to the1948 conflict continue to be displaced and in need of support, nearly 75 years on.

UNRWA helps Palestine Refugees achieve their full potential in human development. It does this through quality services it provides in education, health care, relief and social services, protection, camp infrastructure and improvement, microfinance, and emergency assistance.  UNRWA is funded almost entirely by voluntary contributions.

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