أخر الاخبار

إسرائيل تقتل طفلًا فلسطينيًا كل ثلاثة أيام في لا مبالاة عامة

منظمة الدفاع عن الأطفال الدولية - فلسطين (DCIP) ، وهي منظمة غير حكومية ، تسجل رقماً قاتماً في 2018 من خلال الكشف عن مقتل 56 طفلاً فلسطينياً في عام 2018 على يد إسرائيل. مقتل أكثر من طفل واحد في الأسبوع!

يقُتل الأطفال برصاص قناصة الجيش الإسرائيلي وطائرات بدون طيار. خمسة من الأطفال المقتولين كانوا دون سن 12 عامًا. منهم في غزة ، قُتل 49 طفلاً على يد إسرائيل في مسيرات العودة.

73٪ من الوفيات ناتجة عن ذخيرة حية تستخدمها إسرائيل.

ان هدف اسرائيل من قتل واصابة الاطفال هو تشويه مباشر للجيل القادر على مواصلة الكفاح ضد الاستعمار.

كما اعتقلت القوات الإسرائيلية 120 طفلاً في الضفة الغربية المحتلة.

الفلسطينيين يواجهون دولة عضو في الأمم المتحدة تتعامل مع القانون الدولي بازدراء...

يُظهر بحث DCIP أن إسرائيل قتلت أكثر من طفل واحد في الأسبوع في عام 2018. وفقًا لإحصاءات رسمية مثيرة للقلق ، بينما قتلت إسرائيل ببن عامي 2000 و 2014 ، طفلًا فلسطينيًا كل ثلاثة أيام ، في المتوسط ​​، لمدة أربعة عشر عامًا.

المادة الثانية من اتفاقية الأمم المتحدة لمنع جريمة الإبادة الجماعية والمعاقبة عليها تعرّف هذه الأعمال بأنها "أفعال ترتكب بنية تدمير جماعة قومية أو إثنية أو عرقية" كليًا أو جزئيًا.

Israel kills Palestinian child every 3 days in general

February 14, 2019 - Defense for Children International Palestine (DCIP), an NGO, draws the bleak record of 2018 by revealing that 56 Palestinian children were killed in 2018 by Israel. More than one child killed per week!

Witnesses of these murders insisted that the children targeted were unarmed and posed no threat to the occupier or his citizens.

Palestinian children were killed by Israeli army snipers, drones and security forces in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Five of the murdered children were under 12 years old. In Gaza, 49 children were murdered by Israel as part of the March of Return protests.

73% of deaths are due to live ammunition used by Israel reports DCIP.

Israeli forces also arrested 120 children in the occupied West Bank.

The detained children have been subjected to violence by the security forces detaining them.

The murder and injury of Palestinian children by Israeli snipers at the Great Return reflect a desire for direct mutilation of the generation capable of continuing the anti-colonial struggle.

Quoting international law is useless when Israel, has extended the parameters of a continuous cycle of abuse against Palestinian children. International law is relevant only when it is used to indicate that there are violations and that Palestinians are confronted with a UN Member State that treats international law with contempt, while the international community gives its tacit agreement to abuse and is, in some cases, complicit.

DCIP research shows that Israel killed an average of more than one child per week in 2018. According to alarming official statistics, between 2000 and 2014, Israel killed a Palestinian child every three days, on average, for fourteen years.

Throughout the year, there have been discussions about Israel's intention and genocidal acts, which have been largely rejected because of the state's monopoly on the Holocaust. However, Article II of the UN Genocide Convention defines it as "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious ". What else does Israel, the people of Palestine "in whole or in part" do?

The responses of the international community are so predictable that Israel finds no obstacle to maneuver beyond the limits set by international law: it is allowed to act with impunity. The murder rates of Palestinian children and the almost routine nature of their detention are hidden under the radar of human rights violations. Talking about human rights violations by Israel now is also about the irresponsibility of the international community.

Palestinian children killed by Israel in recent years, including last year, have been forgotten by the world.

Shame weighs on the international community, only the civil action of economic boycott, sports, academic, cultural mass is likely to influence the future course of Palestinian children's lives: BDS!

Marie M., France


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